Solo Agers Connections & Coffee Social Hour
March 22 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Solo Agers Connections & Coffee Social Hour
Building a community in person and online of Solo Agers-Lets meet for conversation over a free cup of coffee!
With Jill Kovalich – Founder of the unique online hub, SoloAgersConnect.com
Monthly on 4th Saturdays starting March 22 from 10-11 AM
Join us for this monthly, casual, one-hour meetup for Solo Agers looking for conversation over a free cup of coffee. This is an opportunity to get out and meet other local Solos. Let’s build our community together!
If you are over 50 and aging alone without a spouse, children, or family involved in your life, then you are a Solo Ager. We are building a community in person and online of Solo Agers, sometimes called Elder Orphans. Discover our new info hub at https://soloagersconnect.com/. Find information, resources, and a growing curated list of trusted service providers. Sign up the newsletter, too!
What participants should bring: nothing required
Event Fee: free
RSVP: https://
RSVP by the Friday before each event
Jill Kovalich is the Founder of the unique online hub, SoloAgersConnect.com, for Solo Agers to easily find information, services, and resources they need, connect to a Facebook community with similar interests, and develop friendships. Solo Agers include people fifty and older who are navigating the challenges of aging without the support of a spouse or partner, children, or family nearby. She is also a Solo Ager with a positive outlook on aging and life.Website: https://
Video about Solo Agers Connect: https://youtu.be/laNab1YoYi0?