Reiki Group Meditation with Sound Healing

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Reiki Group Meditation with Sound Healing With Gina Ferrara Registration will be needed for this event due to the limited number of spaces available. Please feel free to reach out to Gina Ferrara with any questions about the session or about the process of a group Reiki Session. Reiki alone is a powerful relaxation tool. By adding...

Therapists Supporting Therapists 

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Therapists Supporting Therapists  A special support group for mental health providers With Rio Comaduran, LCSW Meeting in the Serenity Room  What to expect:  Gather together monthly in a supportive environment where we discuss what is on our minds, overcome personal or professional obstacles and support one another. These meetings are a focus of wellness and community building through supporting each...

Yoga for Resilience

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Yoga for Resilience A gentle Yoga practice for those with back issues, those with knee replacements or seek improved stability at the hip and shoulder joints. This also benefits those who seek to mindfully slow the nervous system. Instructor: Kathy Conyers, Yoga Teacher RYT-500, Certificate in Yoga Therapy Date and time:     Wednesdays, 10-11:15am starting on September 4. Resilience Yoga will help you develop a strong and...

Menopause Social

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Menopause Social With Nathalie Bonafé, PhD A safe/brave space to discuss women's health, healthy aging and menopause. Open for men & LGTBQ+ to help support their partners/spouses.    Date & Time: From 6:30-8:00PM, starting on July 17 . Other dates include August 14 & Sept 11 (same time period).  Event Description: Join us for an educational discussion around women's health,...

Yoga for Resilience

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Yoga for Resilience A gentle Yoga practice for those with back issues, those with knee replacements or seek improved stability at the hip and shoulder joints. This also benefits those who seek to mindfully slow the nervous system. Instructor: Kathy Conyers, Yoga Teacher RYT-500, Certificate in Yoga Therapy Date and time:     Wednesdays, 10-11:15am starting on September 4. Resilience Yoga will help you develop a strong and...

Aligning Subconsciousness with Consciousness to Create the Life You Want

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Aligning Subconsciousness with Consciousness to Create the Life You Want With Annie Lisa, Owner of Divining Your Life, LLCSeptember 18, 2024 6:30PM-8:30PMHave you wondered why no matter how much willpower and motivation you muster up, positive thinking you do, or how many affirmations you repeat, that you’re still not where you want to be in...

Sound Healing – Kelvin Young & Maria Del Carmen

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Sound Healing with Kelvin Young and Maria Del Carmen If you experience stress, anxiety, depression, overstimulation, or frustration please join us. You are not alone! This meditation will help you release your emotions. We create a safe space during our sound healing circles to share our feelings, hold space for each other and relax to...

CANCELED – Nurturing Inner Balance

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

This event has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.   Nurturing Inner Balance A Reiki and Sound Meditation for the Autumnal Equinox  Presented by Rio Comaduran and Gina Ferrara Date and time: Friday, September 20, 2024 7:00-8:00pm Honor and celebrate the Autumnal Equinox! Shorter days and longer nights return as we...

Laughter Yoga Leader Certification & Laughter Refresher

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Laughter Yoga Leader Certification & Laughter Refresher A fun weekend of breathing, moving, smiling & laughing together with Robert Rivest, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Saturday and Sunday, September 21-22, 2024 9:30AM-4:30PM NEW! Not sure if this is right for you or only can take one day? We have a one day class for $200: In the...

One Day Laughter Yoga Celebration Class with Robert Rivest

One Day Laughter Yoga Celebration with Robert Rivest Saturday September 21 10am-4pm   Want to learn more about laughter yoga and have fun time laughing and socializing with others? Participants will learn, practice and explore: The Art & Science of Laughter: How we use laughter and how good it is for our mind-body health History &...

Laughter Yoga Leader Certification & Laughter Refresher

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Laughter Yoga Leader Certification & Laughter Refresher A fun weekend of breathing, moving, smiling & laughing together with Robert Rivest, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Saturday and Sunday, September 21-22, 2024 9:30AM-4:30PM NEW! Not sure if this is right for you or only can take one day? We have a one day class for $200: In the...

CANCELED – Death Café

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

This class will be canceled on September 22nd. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Class will be back in October as scheduled.   Death Café  A lively non judgmental space to meet, have a cup of coffee and talk about impermanence  with Marie & Marie  Held every fourth Sunday except June 30 and...

Fall Equinox Reflection 

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Fall Equinox Reflection  Attune to the natural rhythms and transitions of the Earth through creating Mandala Art made from dried flowers & leaves Sat September 22 1-3pm With Sierra Marie Robinson   Welcome the Fall Equinox by creating a Mandala using dried flowers and leaves. You will use a color scheme supporting the lower chakras of...


Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

MERGING WITH THE FALL EQUINOX As Day and Night are equal during Equinoxes, we open our senses and seek Peace and Balance SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2024 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Presented by:  Agneta Borstein: Astrologer, Modern Shaman & Author Aaron Weston: Reiki Master, Thai Massage, Tui’na and Acupressure What to expect: Agneta will explore the...

Yoga for Resilience

Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St, Farmington, CT, United States

Yoga for Resilience A gentle Yoga practice for those with back issues, those with knee replacements or seek improved stability at the hip and shoulder joints. This also benefits those who seek to mindfully slow the nervous system. Instructor: Kathy Conyers, Yoga Teacher RYT-500, Certificate in Yoga Therapy Date and time:     Wednesdays, 10-11:15am starting on September 4. Resilience Yoga will help you develop a strong and...

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