Mindful Eating Made Simple
Mindful Eating Made Simple: Unlock 3 Proven Steps to Shift Eating Patterns With Eliana Serna Perez, Functional Nutritionist Date and time: Saturday March 1, 2:00-3:30 pm About the Workshop:Join us...
Mindful Eating Made Simple: Unlock 3 Proven Steps to Shift Eating Patterns With Eliana Serna Perez, Functional Nutritionist Date and time: Saturday March 1, 2:00-3:30 pm About the Workshop:Join us...
Bollywood Dance Classes with Qala Creations Discover the passion and excitement of Bollywood dance as you groove to the beat and immerse yourself in a night of unforgettable fun. Instructors:...
Yoga for Resilience A gentle Yoga practice for those with back issues, those with knee replacements or seek improved stability at the hip and shoulder joints. This also benefits those who seek to mindfully slow the nervous system. Instructor: Kathy Conyers, Yoga...
Energy Awareness & Grounding Class An ongoing class to help you ground, center and focus more consistently. With Mike Berlinski Weekly on Wednesdays starting Nov 13, between 7-8PM This...
Sound Healing with Kelvin Young and Maria Del Carmen If you experience stress, anxiety, depression, overstimulation, or frustration please join us. You are not alone! This meditation will help you...
Psychic/Mediumship Development Circle Develop & strengthen mediumship skills in this ongoing class series With Deb Lyons, Psychic/Medium & Tracey Tribuzio, Certified Reiki Master Monthly on 2nd Saturdays 10:30am to 12:00pm ...
Signs and Omens from the Universe Learn how to interpret Universal signs and messages With Naomi Kimbrough of Hellna's Pathwork Date and time: March 8th from 1-3pm The universe speaks to us...
Laughter Yoga Laughter is the best medicine–for all ages! With Charles Koppel, Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor Every 2nd Sunday from 11-12PM In the Serenity Room Join us for a fun...
Release into Wellness A Reiki and Sound Experience With Gina Ferrara, Reiki Master 2nd Sunday of the Month starting Jan 12 from 11-12:15 Welcome to this community event utilizing Reiki...
Therapists Supporting Therapists A special support group for mental health providers With Rio Comaduran, LCSW Meeting in the Serenity Room What to expect: Gather together monthly in a supportive environment where we discuss...
Bollywood Dance Classes with Qala Creations Discover the passion and excitement of Bollywood dance as you groove to the beat and immerse yourself in a night of unforgettable fun. Instructors:...
Yoga for Resilience A gentle Yoga practice for those with back issues, those with knee replacements or seek improved stability at the hip and shoulder joints. This also benefits those who seek to mindfully slow the nervous system. Instructor: Kathy Conyers, Yoga...
Energy Awareness & Grounding Class An ongoing class to help you ground, center and focus more consistently. With Mike Berlinski Weekly on Wednesdays between 7-8PM This class explores the...
Energy Awareness & Grounding Class An ongoing class to help you ground, center and focus more consistently. With Mike Berlinski Weekly on Wednesdays starting Nov 13, between 7-8PM This...
Join us for a truly powerful healing experiencewith master vibrational healer, Bradford Tilden,as he channels angelic, shamanicand cosmic healing frequencies. Bradford also integrates gemstone therapy and universal white time healing...